Tuesday, November 27, 2007


CORCAS chairman meets a delegation of « First Step Forum »

The chairman of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs (CORCAS), Mr. Khalihenna Ould met, Monday in Rabat, at the Council’s headquarters, a delegation of « First step Forum» to discuss the Sahara issue.

During this meeting with the delegation led by Mr. Johan Candelin, the chief executive of «First Step Forum» which is made up mainly of members of parliaments, ambassadors and chancellors, Mr. Khalihenna Ould Errachid gave an outline relating to the creation of the CORCAS, its composition, its representativeness and its missions.

“Our mission entrusted to us by HM the King Mohammed VI aims at elaborating the autonomy project that we submitted to the Sovereign before presenting it to the UN in April in order to resolve the Sahara conflict through reconciliation”.

In addition, the CORCAS chairman talked about the history of the creation of Polisario whose founders had some claims that Morocco could not satisfy because of the then prevailing internal situation.

After a war which lasted from 1976 to 1991, the United Nations tried, in vain, to organize a referendum based upon identification for ten years.

However, this referendum failed because Sahrawis do not exist only in Morocco but also in Algeria, Mauritania and Mali.

Therefore, in order to make a fair, honest and democratic referendum, borders should change, which is impossible, he added.

In order to get out of the current deadlock, HM the King Mohammed VI, who is carrying out great reforms in Morocco in terms of democracy, Human Rights, Moudawana, economy… has agreed to meet Sahrawis claims of 70s which were partly behind the Sahara conflict, by proposing autonomy project which is “a new management style for Morocco and the under-developing countries without violence”.

Concerning Sahrawi populations, he underlined that more than two thirds live in Morocco and some 20 per cent live in the Tindouf camps in Algeria under the control of a politico-military organization, which has one ideology and one party, as is was the case in Eastern Europe.

Accordingly, Polisario is a non democratic organization which makes of Tindouf detainees a bargaining product by controlling them by the Kalashnikov and international aids.

Besides, the international community has always called for a credible and serious project in conformity with the international norms. It will not be any project rather than the one proposed by Morocco.

Polisario, said Mr. Khalihenna Ould Errachid, can discuss all projects’ content except the Kingdom’s sovereignty which “remains unnegotiable ».

The autonomy project, which was presented to countries which are currently presiding the European Union such as France, Spain, United Kingdom, Germany, and Russia, and which will be submitted within few days to the permanent and non permanent members of the UN Security Council is the solution which will make an end to the sufferings of the Tindouf detainees, he added.

With regard to Algeria, which claims not to interfere in the Sahara conflict saying it is an affair between Polisario and Morocco to be resolved within the framework of the United Nations, he stressed that this position does not reflect reality since this country uses all means to convince Polisario of rejecting this project. This movement does not have any power to take decisions independently from Algerian authorities.